How to Organise Kitchen Cupboards in the UK

How to Organise Kitchen Cupboards in the UK

A cluttered kitchen can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially when trying to find a specific item. Organising your kitchen cupboards makes it easier to find what you need and saves time, and reduces stress. In this article, we’ll review how to organise your kitchen cupboards in the UK.

Evaluate your current kitchen cupboard situation

Evaluating your current kitchen cupboard situation is an important first step in organising your kitchen. You’ll need to take everything out of your cupboards and evaluate what you have. This involves assessing each item and determining whether you would like to keep it or not.

Start by emptying one cupboard at a time. As you take things out, make a pile for items you want to keep, a pile for items you want to get rid of, and a pile for items you need clarification on. It’s important to be ruthless during this process – if you last used an item in the past year, you’ll likely use it in the future.

Once you’ve emptied all of your cupboards, look at what you have. This will help you determine what you need to keep, what can be donated or sold, and what must be thrown away. Look for expired food items, broken dishes, and items you last used long ago.

When evaluating your items, consider whether they are still helpful to you. If you have duplicates of items, such as two can openers or multiple sets of measuring cups, consider keeping only one and removing the rest. It would help to consider whether items are taking up more space than they need to. For example, if you have an extensive collection of mugs but only use a few regularly, consider removing the ones you don’t use.

By evaluating your current kitchen cupboard situation, you can better understand what you need to do to organise your cupboards in UK. This will help you decide what storage solutions you need and how to categorise your items. It’s an important first step that will make the rest of the organising process much more manageable.

Decide what to keep

Make a decision on which items to keep and which ones to discard in kitchen cupboards. It’s essential to consider several factors. Start by checking the expiration dates of your food items, and throw away any past their prime. Next, evaluate your cookware and dishes. If you have damaged or rarely used items, consider donating or selling them.

Keep a set of matching containers with lids for food storage containers to make organising easier. Remove any containers that are missing lids or are no longer functional. If you have multiple containers of the same size, keep only the ones you use most.

Decide what to keep

As you go through your items, think about whether or not you use them regularly. If there are items that you last used months ago or years ago, consider getting rid of them. This includes speciality kitchen gadgets you rarely use, like a mandoline or pasta maker.

When deciding what to keep, try to be ruthless. The goal is to keep only the items you use regularly and that are functional. This will not only make organising easier, but it will also make cooking and meal prep more efficient.

Categorise your items

Categorising your items is an essential step in organising your kitchen cupboards. By grouping similar items, you can easily find what you need and keep your cupboards clutter-free. Start by separating your items into categories, such as baking supplies, canned goods, snacks, and spices. Then, within each category, divide your items by type or frequency of use. For example, separate your measuring cups and spoons from your mixing bowls and baking sheets within your baking supplies category.

Consider using clear bins or baskets to contain each category, making it easy to grab what you need and quickly put it back you’re finished. Consider labelling your bins or baskets to make it easy to find what you need at a glance.

It’s important to note that everyone’s categorisation system will be unique to their needs and preferences. Take some time to ponder over how you use your kitchen and what categories make the most sense for you. The purpose is to create a system that works for you and makes it easy to maintain an organised kitchen.

Choose the proper storage solutions

When you organise kitchen cupboards in the UK, choosing the proper storage solutions is crucial. There are several options available that can help you maximise your space and keep your items easily accessible.

Wire racks are great for storing items like plates, bowls, and cups. They allow you to stack your items without the risk of them falling over or becoming damaged. Plus, they make it easy to see what you have at a glance.

Lazy susans are another popular option for organising your kitchen cupboards. They’re great for storing items like spices, oils, and sauces, as they allow you to quickly access everything without digging through the cupboard. Lazy Susans also maximise your vertical space by allowing you to store items on multiple levels.

Pull-out drawers are perfect for storing items like baking sheets, cutting boards, and other flat items. They make it easy to access these items without digging through a cluttered cupboard. Plus, they can be installed in any cupboard, regardless of size or shape.

For bulky items like pots and pans, consider using vertical storage solutions. These can include things like pot racks, hooks, or even a pegboard. By storing your pots and pans vertically, you can save valuable cupboard space while keeping everything within reach.

Ultimately, the proper storage solutions will depend on your specific needs and your kitchen layout. Take some time to evaluate your current situation and determine what will work best for you. Choosing the proper storage solutions transforms your cluttered cupboards into a functional, organised space.

Utilise your vertical space

When organising your kitchen cupboards, utilising your vertical space can make a huge difference in maximising your storage space. Here are some important tips on how to make the most of your cupboard’s vertical space:

  1. Hang hooks: Hanging hooks on your cupboard doors is a great way to store small items like pot holders, measuring cups, or utensils. This not only saves space but also keeps these items easily accessible.
  2. Install a tension rod: Installing a tension rod inside your cupboard is an easy and inexpensive way to hang cleaning supplies or dish towels. This keeps these items off your countertops and frees up space for other items.
  3. Use wire racks: Wire racks are a great way to store items vertically, especially bulky items like pots and pans. They not only save space but also make it easier to access these items when you need them.
  4. Add pull-out drawers: Pull-out drawers are a great way to utilise your vertical space efficiently. These drawers can store items like canned goods, spices, or baking supplies.
  5. Install shelves: Installing shelves inside your cupboards can also help maximise your vertical space. You can use these shelves to store items like plates, bowls, or cups, making them easily accessible and organised.

Utilising your cupboard’s vertical space can create more storage space and keep your kitchen organised and functional.

Optimise your cupboard doors

Optimising your cupboard doors is an often-overlooked aspect of kitchen cupboard organisation, but it can make a significant difference in maximising storage space and keeping your items easily accessible. Here are some ways how you can organise kitchen cupboards door in the UK:

Install an over-the-door organiser: Over-the-door organisers are a great way to store small items like spices, snacks, and condiments. These organisers typically have pockets or shelves hanging over the cupboard door, saving valuable shelf space for oversized items.

Add hooks: Adding hooks to your cupboard doors is an easy and inexpensive way to hang mugs, utensils, or pot holders. These hooks can be adhesive or screw-on, depending on the material of your cupboard doors.

Install a tension rod: A tension rod is another excellent option for utilising vertical space on cupboard doors. You can use it to hang cleaning supplies or dish towels, freeing up space on your shelOptimizingizing your cupboard allows you to make the most of your kitchen cupboard space and keep your items organised and easily accessible.

Label everything

Labelling everything is an essential step in organising your kitchen cupboards. Once you have categorised your items and chosen the proper storage solutions, it’s important to label everything so you can easily find what you need. This is especially helpful if multiple people use the same kitchen, as everyone will know where everything belongs.

Label Everything when you organize kitchen cupboards

You can use simple sticky labels or a label maker to label your items. Be sure to include the item’s name and the date it was opened, especially for perishable items like spices or baking supplies. You can also use colour-coded labels to categorise your items further, such as green labels for baking supplies and red for canned goods.

Labelling your cupboards can also be helpful, especially if you have guests who may need to find something in your kitchen. You can label your cupboards with the category of items they contain, such as “Baking Supplies” or “Canned Goods.”

Labelling everything in your cupboards will save time and reduce stress when finding what you need in your kitchen.

Keep your cupboards clean and maintained

Keeping your cupboards clean and maintained is essential to maintaining an organised kitchen. Below are some suggestions on how to accomplish this:

Keep your cupboards clean and maintained

Regularly wipe down shelves and surfaces: Dust, dirt, and crumbs can accumulate quickly in cupboards, so it’s essential to wipe down surfaces regularly. To clean the shelves and surfaces, it’s recommended to use a mild cleaner and a damp cloth. Make sure to dry them thoroughly after cleaning to prevent any moisture buildup.

Clean out spills and stains immediately: Spills and stains can be difficult to remove if left sitting for too long, so cleaning them up as soon as possible is essential. Use a gentle cleaner and a damp cloth to clean up spills and stains, and dry the area thoroughly.

Use shelf liners: Shelf liners can protect your cupboards from spills and stains and make it easier to clean them. Select a liner that is easy to clean and fits your cupboards well.

Check for expired or spoiled food: Expired or spoiled food can cause unpleasant odours and attract pests, so it’s important to check your cupboards for expired or spoiled food regularly. Dispose of expired or spoiled food immediately and wipe down the area where it was stored.

Avoid overcrowding: Overcrowding your cupboards can make it difficult to find what you need and cause items to spill or become damaged. Leave empty space in your cupboards, and consider using vertical storage solutions to maximise space.

By implementing these suggestions, you can maintain the organisation of your kitchen cupboards., which will help you maintain an organised kitchen and reduce stress when preparing meals.


How to organise your kitchen cupboards in the UK may seem intimidating, but following these simple steps by Kitcheny can transform your cluttered cupboards into a functional and organised space. Start by evaluating your current situation, deciding what to keep and what to toss, and categorising your items. Then, choose the right storage solutions, utilise your vertical space, optimise your cupboard doors, and label everything. By creating and sticking to a system, you can maintain a clean and organised kitchen that makes cooking and meal prep a breeze.


How often should I organise my kitchen cupboards in the UK?

Organising your cupboards at least once a year is recommended to keep them clutter-free and functional.

What should I do with expired or unused food items?

Expired food items should be thrown; unused items can be donated to local food banks or shelters.

Can I use DIY storage solutions instead of buying them?

Yes, DIY storage solutions can be a cost-effective way to organise your cupboards. Check out online tutorials or Pinterest for some ideas.

How can I prevent clutter from building up in my cupboards?

Create a system and stick to it. Make sure everything has a designated spot and return things where they belong after using them.

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