How to Fit a Sink in a Worktop: A Step-by-Step Guide (2023)

How to Fit a Sink in a Worktop

If you’re renovating your kitchen or installing a new sink, one of the most important steps is fitting the sink into the worktop. Even novice DIY enthusiasts can accomplish the task of fitting a sink in a worktop with the right tools and knowledge, making it seem less daunting. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of fitting a sink in a worktop, step-by-step. 

Tools Required

Before you start, you’ll need to gather the following tools:

  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Jigsaw
  • Drill
  • Hole saw
  • Silicone sealant
  • Screws and brackets
  • Spanner
  • Plumber’s putty

Measure the Sink and Mark the Worktop

Sink Measurement

The first step in fitting a sink in a worktop is to measure the sink and mark the worktop where you will fit the sink. You can do this using a tape measure and a pencil. Measure the width and depth of the sink, and mark these measurements onto the worktop using a pencil. Then, mark the outline of the sink’s shape onto the worktop, making sure to leave enough space for the sink to fit comfortably. Ensuring that the sink fits properly and aligns with the worktop is crucial.

Cut the Hole for the Sink

Cut the hole for sink

Once the sink outline is marked on the worktop, the subsequent task is to cut the hole for it. You can do this using a jigsaw or a router, depending on your personal preference and the availability of tools. To ensure a snug fit without gaps or wobbling, carefully cut the hole following the marked outline when installing the sink. It’s also important to wear protective gear, such as safety goggles and gloves, while cutting the hole to prevent any injuries. Cut the hole and then test fit the sink to ensure it fits properly, adjusting the hole as needed.

Fit the Sink into the Worktop

Fit the sink

The next step to fit the sink into the worktop after cutting the hole to the correct size and shape. This step requires some precision to ensure a proper fit. Apply a bead of silicone caulk around the edge of the sink and carefully lower it into the hole. Make sure that the sink is level and centered within the hole. Tighten sink’s mounting clips or brackets provided to secure the sink in place. Securely fastening the sink as per the manufacturer’s instructions prevents it from moving or shifting. Use a damp cloth to remove extra caulk, let the sink dry and set before using it.

Install the Tap

Install the tap

After fitting the sink into the worktop, the next step is to install the kitchen tap. Start by placing the rubber gasket onto the base of the tap and inserting it into the hole on the sink. Then, secure the tap in place from underneath the sink by tightening the mounting hardware. Make sure that the tap is level and centered within the sink. Once the tap is securely in place, connect the water supply lines to the tap according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Turn on the water supply and check for any leaks. If there are no leaks, turn on the tap and let the water run for a few minutes to flush out any debris or air bubbles. Test the hot and cold water to ensure that they are functioning properly. Finally, wipe away any excess water or debris and the tap is ready to use.

Apply Silicone Sealant

The final step in fitting a sink in a worktop is to apply silicone sealant around the edge of the sink to prevent water from seeping underneath and damaging the worktop. Start by cleaning the area around the sink with a cloth to remove any dirt or debris. Then, apply a bead of silicone sealant along the edge of the sink, making sure to cover any gaps or spaces between the sink and the worktop. Use a caulking gun to apply the sealant evenly and smoothly. Apply the sealant and then use a damp cloth to smooth and shape it. Allow the sealant to dry completely before using the sink. Choosing a high-quality silicone sealant designed for use with sinks and ensuring that it is water-resistant is important to ensure a long-lasting seal.

Connect the Plumbing

Connect the plumbing

Connecting the plumbing is a crucial step in the process of fitting a sink in a worktop. This step requires some basic knowledge of plumbing and may require the use of some tools.

Start by installing the drain and waste pipe assembly underneath the sink. Attach the tailpiece of the drain to the sink’s drain hole and tighten the locking nut. Then, attach the P-trap to the tailpiece and the waste pipe, making sure that the P-trap is level and not tilted. Tighten all the connections with a wrench, but be careful not to over-tighten, as this may cause damage to the pipes.

Next, connect the water supply lines to the tap. Use a wrench to tighten the nuts, but be careful not to over-tighten and damage the connections. Turn on the water supply and check for any leaks. If there are no leaks, turn on the tap and let the water run for a few minutes to flush out any debris or air bubbles.

Finally, check the connections and make sure that everything is securely in place. If there are any leaks, tighten the connections as needed. Once the plumbing is properly connected, run water through the sink to ensure that it is functioning properly. It’s important to test the hot and cold water separately to ensure that they are both functioning correctly. Once everything is working properly, clean up any excess water or debris and the sink is ready to use.

Clean Up

After the sink has been fitted, it’s important to clean up the work area to ensure that everything is tidy and safe. Start by removing any tools or debris from the area and storing them away safely. Then, wipe down the sink and worktop with a clean cloth to remove any dust or dirt.

Check the area around the sink for any excess silicone sealant or adhesive and carefully remove it with a scraper or a utility knife. Be careful not to scratch the worktop or the sink while doing this. If there is any stubborn residue left, use a solvent or cleaning agent that is safe for the material of the worktop and sink.

Finally, dispose of any waste materials or packaging that was used during the installation process, such as old pipes, packaging materials, or leftover sealant. Make sure to follow proper waste disposal procedures in your local area.

By cleaning up after the installation, you ensure that the work area is safe and tidy, and that your new sink looks great and is ready to use.

Tips for Success

  • Take your time and measure carefully to ensure accurate cuts.
  • Use a jigsaw with a fine-toothed blade to ensure a clean cut.
  • Wear eye protection when cutting the worktop.
  • Check for leaks before finishing the installation.


Fitting a sink in a worktop can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s a job that can be accomplished by even novice DIY enthusiasts. By following these steps, you can successfully fit a sink in a worktop and create a beautiful, functional kitchen space.


What type of sink is best for a worktop?

There are many types of sinks available, but undermount sinks are a popular choice for worktops because they create a sleek, modern look.

Do I need any special skills to fit a sink in a worktop?

While it is helpful to have some basic plumbing and carpentry skills, it is possible to fit a sink in a worktop with some patience and careful attention to detail. Following instructions and safety guidelines can also make the process easier.

Can I install a sink in any type of worktop?

It is possible to install a sink in most types of worktops, including laminate, solid surface, and granite. However, the method and tools used may vary depending on the type of worktop.

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