How High Should Your Kitchen Worktop Be: A Complete Guide

How High Should Your Kitchen Worktop

If you plan to renovate your kitchen or build a new one, one important decision you’ll have to make is determining the height of your worktop. The height of your worktop can affect your posture, comfort, and overall functionality in the kitchen. In this article, we’ll guide you on how high your kitchen worktop should be, considering various factors that affect its height.

Ergonomics of Kitchen Worktop Height

Before we dive into the standard height for a kitchen worktop, it’s important to understand the ergonomics of worktop height. Your kitchen worktop should be at a height that allows you to work comfortably without causing strain on your back, neck, and shoulders. The height should also be appropriate for the work you do in the kitchen, whether it’s cooking, baking, or washing dishes.

Standard Kitchen Worktop Height

The standard height for a kitchen worktop is 36 inches (91.4 cm). This height suits most people, regardless of their height or the type of work they do in the kitchen. However, if you are shorter or taller than the average person, you may need to adjust the height of your worktop accordingly.

Factors Affecting Kitchen Worktop Height

The height of your kitchen worktop should not be a one-size-fits-all approach. It would help if you considered several factors when determining the appropriate height of worktop.

Height of the Cook

The height of the cook is one of the most important factors to consider when determining the height of the worktop. The worktop should be comfortable for the cook to work on without straining their back, neck, and shoulders. The ideal height for a worktop for a person who is 5’6″ (167.6 cm) tall is 36 inches (91.4 cm).

Type of Cooktop and Appliances

The type of cooktop and appliances you have can also affect the height of your worktop. If you have a freestanding range, the worktop should be the same as the cooktop. If you have a separate cooktop and oven, the worktop should be at the most comfortable for you to work on.

Type of Sink and Faucet

The type of sink and faucet you have can also affect the height of your worktop. If you have an under-mount sink, the worktop should be lower than the standard height to accommodate the depth of the sink. If you have a pull-down faucet, the worktop should be higher to provide enough clearance for the tap.

Accessibility Requirements

If you have mobility issues or use a wheelchair, you may need to adjust the height of your worktop to make it more accessible. The worktop should be at a height that allows you to work comfortably without straining your back, neck, and shoulders.

Personal Preferences

Lastly, your personal preferences can also affect the height of your worktop. Some people prefer a higher worktop for more storage space underneath, while others prefer a lower one for easier accessibility.

How to Measure Kitchen Worktop Height

You will need a measuring tape to measure the height of worktop. First, measure the distance from the floor to your elbow while standing upright with your arms relaxed by your sides. Add 15cm to this measurement to get the approximate height of your worktop.

It’s important to note that the height of your worktop may also depend on the countertop material’s thickness. For instance, if you are using a thicker countertop material, you may need to adjust the height of your worktop to ensure that it’s comfortable for you to work on.

Adjusting the Height of Your Kitchen Worktop

If you find that the standard height of your kitchen worktop is uncomfortable, you can adjust the height by raising or lowering the cabinets that support the worktop. You can expand the cabinets by adding shims or wood blocks underneath them or reduce them by cutting down their legs.

However, if you are not comfortable with DIY work, it’s best to seek the help of a professional to avoid causing damage to your cabinets or worktop.


The height of worktop is a crucial factor to consider when designing or renovating your kitchen. It affects your posture, comfort, and overall functionality in the kitchen. When determining the height of your worktop, consider the height of the cook, type of cooktop and appliances, type of sink and faucet, accessibility requirements, and personal preferences.

Remember that the standard height of a kitchen worktop is 36 inches (91.4 cm), but you can adjust it based on your needs and preferences. By ensuring that your worktop is at the right height, you can create a kitchen that’s comfortable, functional, and enjoyable to work in.


Can I adjust the height of my worktop?

Yes, you can adjust the height of your kitchen worktop by raising or lowering the cabinets that support the worktop.

How do I measure the height of my kitchen worktop?

To measure the height of worktop, measure the distance from the floor to your elbow while standing upright with your arms relaxed by your sides. Add 15cm to this measurement to get the approximate height of your worktop.

Do I need a professional to adjust the height of my kitchen worktop?

If you are not comfortable with DIY work, it’s best to seek the help of a professional to avoid causing damage to your cabinets or worktop.

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